COVID-19 Disclaimer
Dear Swimmer,
Please see below our updated Covid-19 Protocol and disclaimer. First and foremost, our priority is to care for our staff and all our customer’s health. We have been and will continue to monitor and follow government and specialist advice.
Government advice:
Covid-19 Disclaimer:
Please see below for the protocols we have implemented to ensure everyone’s safety during this complicated time. We cannot do this without the support of our customers. We appreciate that these protocols may be annoying or inconvenient, rest assured, we are all feeling it, but they are necessary for now in order for everyone to swim in a safe and happy environment. We appreciate your understanding and support in this time. If you have any suggestions, queries or concerns, please do get in contact, we are always keen to improve any way we can and are ready to help.
Upon arriving for your swimming lesson:
- Please do not arrive too early or late for your lesson. 5 minutes before your lesson is ideal. Please try not to be late!
- The entrance will be pointed out by pool staff and might be different to previous.
- Please can we ask that no friends/family come to watch or cheer! Sorry but most pools now do not have spectating facilities.
- Please arrive ‘beach ready’ for your lesson. This means ready to swim. We are also asking swimmers, where possible, to leave promptly. This will allow for a quicker change over, which will ensure a faster flowing lesson for everyone.
- All attendees need to follow one way system entry and exit system set out by the respective pool operator, we do hire from several different pool operators so these ‘systems’ will vary.
- Please read the signs at the pools, which will direct you
- There are no guarantees showering will be allowed. Some pools do allow a quick rinse. Benches in change rooms will have seat markers to ensure safe social distancing measures but not all pools have changing rooms open.
- All staff and customers are asked to use the hand sanitizer provided before entering swim buildings. Once your lesson is finished, please leave in a timely manner.
Our coaches will be encouraging the following to help keep everyone safe
- Lanes swim the same way so no one is swimming next to anyone for a whole length inadvertently and breathing at each other.
- Use of white boards to help stop swimmers congregating (fitness sessions)
- Coaches remain standing so we do not encroach on swimmers space
- Rather than a repeat time off the clock use the last in/first out or similar (ideally 3rd in first out etc) to reduce build up at the walls.
- Breathe away from any swimmer you are overtaking
- Keep effort levels low “excessive heart rate can impact on the explosiveness of exhaling. “Focus on Technique and skills
Covid–19, often referred to as coronavirus, is an infectious disease that can result in serious and potentially fatal illness. There is a risk of the transmission of Covid–19 in any environment where people come together. This risk increases in enclosed spaces and with increased numbers of people. The World Health Organisation has advised that the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions are more vulnerable.
Upon entering SFT swim sites, you assume all risk associated with Covid-19 (unless in any way caused by the negligence of SFT). You also agree to:
- abide by all government guidance aimed at preventing the transmission of the virus (details of which can be accessed via the following link https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus); and
- follow all directions provided by staff members and set out in the signage within the venue.
You must not enter the venue if you believe that you may have been infected with Covid-19.